Le PDG de Perceiv, Christian Dansereau, Ph.D., participe au balado Phase Forward d’Innovaderm pour une table ronde sur « l’IA, le développement de médicaments et les essais cliniques ».
Janvier 22, 2025 | Montréal, Canada | Balado
Perceiv AI s’associe à TheraVac Biologics pour optimiser les essais cliniques grâce à une IA avancée et à des biomarqueurs pronostiques
January 13, 2025 | San Francisco, États-Unis | Communiqué de presse
Perceiv AI Welcomes Simona Skerjanec to Board of Directors
October 14, 2024 | Montreal, Canada | Press release
[Podcast] Can AI Help Get the Right Patients Into Alzheimer's Clinical Trials?
May 31, 2024 | North Carolina, USA | Listen to Podcast
Perceiv AI Raises the Bar with ISO 27001 Certification
May 7, 2024 | Montreal, Canada | Press release
Presentation of AD-Px™ to accelerate trials by reducing screen failure rate at the AD/PD conference
March 9, 2024 | Lisbon, Portugal | See presentation
Perceiv AI Partners with Alleo Labs to Optimize Clinical Trials Using Advanced AI and Prognostic Biomarkers
January 8, 2024 | San Francisco, USA | Press release (EN only)
Perceiv AI Achieves HIPAA Compliance, Reinforcing Commitment to Data Security and Privacy
November 28, 2023 | Montreal, Canada | Press release
Perceiv's CEO, Christian Dansereau, Ph.D., delves deep into "The Future of AI-Powered Clinical Insights", as part of StartUp Health's panel discussion
November 13, 2023 | Las Vegas, USA | StartUp Health
New results presented at CTAD 2023 "Reducing screen failure rates due to biomarker cut-offs in early Alzheimer's disease trials using a prognostic model"
October 24, 2023 | Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease conference (CTAD) | Poster
Perceiv AI Joins Johnson & Johnson Innovation–JLABS Global Network to Accelerate Precision Medicine Platform Development
June 21, 2023 | Toronto, Canada | Annoucement (en anglais)
Merck sélectionne Perceiv AI pour la première cohorte de son Digital Sciences Studio
17 janvier 2023 | Boston, USA | Annonce (en anglais)
Perceiv AI annonce un financement de 1,5 M$ pour l'expansion de sa plateforme Foresight avec des investisseurs stratégiques et institutionnels
8 décembre 2022 | Montréal, Canada | Communiqué de presse
Perceiv AI annonce aujourd’hui la clôture d’un financement de 1,5 M$. Perceiv AI est une société de médecine de précision qui prédit l’évolution des maladies neurodégénératives. Elle permet aux entreprises pharmaceutiques d’optimiser et de dé-risquer les essais cliniques, et aux médecins de poser un diagnostic plus précoce.
Cette étape de financement est composée d'investisseurs stratégiques et institutionnels du Canada et des États-Unis, dont CABHI (Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation), Plug and Play Ventures, Boreal Ventures, IKJ Capital, Red Abbey Labs, Investissement Québec, à titre de mandataire du gouvernement du Québec, et d'autres anges investisseur. « Nous sommes très heureux de pouvoir passer à l'étape suivante de notre croissance avec le soutien de ces investisseurs d'une importance stratégique », a affirmé le Dr Christian Dansereau, PDG de Perceiv AI.
Ces fonds serviront à l'expansion de la plateforme Foresight, la plateforme pronostique exclusive à Perceiv AI, qui est fondée sur des techniques d'intelligence artificielle et qui permet de prédire l'évolution de la maladie. L'entreprise cherche à s'adjoindre de ressources clés en recrutant de nouveaux talents pour faire avancer ses activités commerciales et scientifiques et renforcer ses efforts réglementaires.
Perceiv AI exploite le Big Data et l'Intelligence Artificielle pour prédire la progression des maladies et rendre les essais cliniques plus efficaces
2 décembre 2022 | Montréal, Canada | Communiqué de presse (en anglais)
Perceiv AI to present its latest results on mitigating loss of statistical power due to outcome imbalance in clinical trials
November 24, 2022 | Montréal, Canada | Announcement
Join Perceiv AI's senior scientist Angela Tam at our poster #LP005 "Mitigating loss of statistical power due to outcome imbalance in clinical trials" on Tuesday November 29 to Wednesday November 30 at Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) 2022. Our team is excited to meet you in San Francisco, California next week.
Oral presentation at Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC 2022)
July 18, 2022 | Montréal, Canada
Join Senior Scientist Dr. Angela Tam as she will give a talk on Perceiv AI’s latest work and performance gain for trial optimization and patients selection at the 2022 Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC 2022) in the Novel Clinical Trial Designs and Outcome Measures session. Dr. Tam’s oral presentation will take place on August 2nd at 9:55am PT at the San Diego Convention Center. More info at:
Perceiv AI to present Foresight AD, a novel prognostic tool to optimize Alzheimer's clinical trials, at the 14th Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease conference (CTAD 2021)
Nov 4, 2021 | Montréal, Canada | Press release | One-pager
Perceiv AI to present Foresight AD™, a novel prognostic tool to optimize Alzheimer's clinical trials, at the 14th Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD 2021) conference.
New prognostic results on presymptomatic populations presented at AAIC 2021
July 26, 2021| Denver, USA | Poster
We're happy to be virtually attending AAIC 2021 (Alzheimer’s Association International Conference). Dr. Angela Tam is presenting our poster #54702: A machine learning enrichment strategy for presymptomatic cohorts in Alzheimer's disease clinical trials.
Perceiv AI, announced it has joined the NVIDIA Inception program, which is designed to nurture startups revolutionizing industries with advancements in AI and data sciences.
More info about the NVIDIA Inception program here!
New international consortium €20M supported by the ITEA 3 program named Secur-e-Health initiative
April 21, 2021 | Montréal, Canada | Project page
Perceiv AI announced a new international consortium project named Secure-e-Health initiative of €20M supported by the ITEA 3 program and will provide their expertise and AI-driven prognostic and predictive tools to this 8-country project’s 34 academic and private-sector partners. Drawing from several new technologies of partners, this ITEA3 project will create a fully integrated technology stack capable of supporting secure and privacy-preserving data analysis over fully separated datasets. The hope here is to remove some of the data silos that have prevented health innovation while preserving the privacy and security of that sensitive data between partners.
Betsabeh Madani Hermann becomes business and strategy advisor of Perceiv AI
April 14, 2021 | Montréal, Canada | Announcement
Ms. Madani Hermann is a strategy and innovation executive seasoned in general operations, commercialization, growth planning and execution across health and tech companies.
CQDM funds the development of a novel artificial intelligence tool for cardiovascular clinical trials
November 5, 2020 | Montréal, Canada | Announcement
The CQDM is pleased to announce the launch of a $600,000 collaborative project in biopharma and artificial intelligence (AI) to develop an AI-driven precision medicine tool.
Perceiv AI receives funding for development of Alzheimer's solution
August 24, 2020 | Montréal, Canada
Perceiv AI announces support from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) in the form of advisory services and research and development funding totaling $180,000 CAD to advance our Alzheimer's disease solution.
Canadian Technology Accelerator for Health - San Francisco has selected Perceiv AI for their 2020 program
August 4, 2020 | San Francisco, USA | CTA Health SF
Perceiv AI is proud to announce today that it has been selected to join the 2020 San Francisco Canadian Technology Accelerator for Health cohort. “We are delighted to join the CTA San Francisco accelerator’s 2020 cohort. We greatly look forward to working with leading life science industry mentors to help further develop our innovative, lifesaving technologies targeting neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases,” said CEO and co-founder Christian Dansereau.
Perceiv AI to present validation study at AAIC 2020 virtual event
July 27, 2020 | Montréal, Canada | Tweet
Perceiv AI presents a validation study of its prognostic enrichment tool for cognitive decline at the AAIC 2020 virtual conference - "Validation and Replication of a Prognostic Machine Learning Model for Enrichment of Cognitive Decliners in Clinical Trials".